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    Gr.,cephale=head; L.,chorda=cord

  • Exclusively marine animals and are cosmopolitan, present in shallow water.

  • Triploblastic animals i.e., body is derived from 3 embryonic germ layer (ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm).

  • Body is bilaterally symmetrical. Body structure is fish like.

  • Body lacks head and is divisible into trunk and tail. Exoskeleton is absent and epidermis is single layered.

  • Metamerism is well marked.

  • Coelom is enterocoelous, reduced in the pharyngeal region by development of atrial cavity.









  • Median fins are present but the paired appendages are absent.

  • Notochord is persistent through out the life, extending from rostrum to tail.

  • All are filter feeders.

  • Respiration through general body surface i.e., no specialized respiratory structure is found.

  • Complete alimentary canal. Pharynx large, perforated by numerous persistent gill-slits opening to atrium.

  • Excretion by protonephridia with solenocytes.

  • Circulatory system is closed type. But, heart and respiratory pigments are absent. Hepatic portal system is developed.

  • Nerve cord is dorsal and hollow, without ganglion and brain. Dorsal and ventral roots are separate.

  • Sexual reproduction occurs. External fertilization takes place.

  • Development is direct, but an intermediate juvenile form exist.

  • All dioecious animals.







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