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Kingdom Animalia or the Animal Kingdom is broadly classified into two groups, i.e- Chordates and Non-chordates.

Chordates are the animals those who have a notochord at some stage of their life. Similarly, Non-chordates are the animals those don't have notochord at any stage of their life.

Notochord (Gr., noton=back,  L., chorda=cord) is a cartilagenous string or rod like stucture present along the back of  chordates, at some stage of their life. Sub-kingdom chordata has only one phylum named the same i.e., Phylum Chordata.



















Phylum chordata is classified into 2 major groups, i.e.,

  • Acraniata  or Protochordata 

  • Craniata or vertebrata or Euchordata               

Acraniata or Protochordata involves the animals those who have notochord but is not replaced by vertebral column. Protochordata is further classified into 2 Sub-phyla:

  • Urochordata or Tunicata e.g., Herdmania

  • Cephalochordata e.g., Amphioxus

To know detailed about Urochordates and Cephalochordates, please visit the sub-pages of Phylum Chordata.​


Craniata or Vertebrata or Euchordata includes the animals those who possesses notochord during a period of their life, but at a particular stage it get replaced by a vertebral column. Sub-phylum Vertebrata is further divided into 2 main divisions:

  • Agnatha

  • Gnathostomata​

In the present era​, Agnatha has only one living class i.e., Cyclostomata e.g., Petromyzon. For details about Cyclostomata, please follow the sub-pages of Chordates. 


Division Gnathostomata includes 2 Super-classes i.e.,

  • Pisces

  • Tetrapoda

Super-class Pisces has 4 classes, namely:

  • Elasmobramchii e.g., Scoliodon

  • Holocephali e.g., Chimaera

  • Teleostomi e.g., Lebeo

  • Dipnoi e.g., Protopterus 

Similarly, Super-class Tetrapoda includes 4 classes, namely:

  • Amphibia e.g., Frog

  • Reptilia e.g., Snake

  • Aves e.g., Birds

  • Mammalia e.g., Humanbeing

For details about all above listed Super-classes and Classes, Please visit the sub-page of Chordata.



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