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Phylum Protozoa is classified into 4 distinct sub-phyla on the basis of type of locomotory organelles found in them. The 4 sub-phyla of phylum Protozoa are as follows:

  1. Sarcomastigophora

  2. Sporozoa

  3. Cnidospora

  4. Ciliophora


  • Locomotory organelles may be Pseudopodia or Flagella.

  • Nucleus is monomorphic.

  • Asexual reproduction is by binary or multiple fission.

  • Sexual reproduction occurs by fusion of gametes.


Sub-phylum Sarcomastigophora is further divided into 3 Super classes i.e., 





  • Flagella are present as locomotory organelles, so they are also called Flagellata. Flagella also acts as food capturing organ.

  • Body is covered by a layer of very thin cuticle or pellicle.

  • Nutrition is holozoic, holophytic or saprozoic.

  • Asexual reproduction by longitudinal fission.


Super class Mastigophora has further 2 classes i.e., Phytomastigophora and Zoomastigophora.


  • They possesses chromatophores.

  • Only 1 or 2 flagella are found.

  • Nutrition is holophytic.

  • Ex- Euglena


  • Chlorophyll bearing chromatophores are absent.

  • In addition to pseudopodia, more than 2 flagella are present as locomotory organelles.

  • Undulating membrane may be present.

  • Nutrition is holozoic.

  • Ex- Trypanosoma


  • All are parasites of frogs and toads.

  • Body is covered by flagella and arranged  in oblique rows over the entire body surface.

  • Nuclei are monomorphic.

  • Reproduction by simple binary fission or by gamete formation.

  • Ex- Opalina


  • Locomotory organelle is Pseudopodia.

  • Body is not usually covered by pellicle.

  • Gamete formation is more common.

Super class Sarcodina is further divided into 3 classes i.e., Rhizopoda, Actinopoda, and Piroplasmea.


  • Locomotory organelles are lobopodia or filopodia. Axopodia are absent.

  • All are creeping forms.

  • Ex- Amoeba, Entamoeba


  • Axopodia is found as locomotory organelle.

  • Test may or may not be present.

  • Reproduction is by both sexual and asexual method.

  • Gametes are usually flagellated.

  • Ex- Actinophrys


  • They are small, round, rod shaped or amoeboid forms.

  • Parasites of R.B.Cs of vertebrates.

  • Ex- Babesa


  • All of them are parasites.

  • Locomotory organelles are absent. But gametes may have cilia or flagella.

  • Body is covered by thick cuticle or pellicle.

  • Asexual reproduction by multiple fission.

Sub-phylum Sporozoa is further classified into 3 classes, such as: Telosporea, Haplosporea, Toxoplasmea.


  • Pseudopodia are generally absent. Locomotion is by gliding body movement.

  • Reproduction is both sexual and asexual.

  • Ex- Plasmodium


  • Locomotory organelles are absent in all the stages.

  • Reproduction is by binary fission.

  • Ex- Toxoplasma


  • Pseudopodia may be present, but flagella is absent.

  • Spore cases are present.

  • Reproduction is only asexual. 

  • Ex- Icthyosporidium


  • All are parasites.

  • Zygotes gives to one or more trophozoites.

  • Trophozoites are multinucleated.

Cnidospora has 2 distinct classes, such as:

Myxosporidea and Microsporidea.


  • Parasites of fishes.

  • Spores are of multicellular origin.

  • Spores possesses a bivalved membrane.

  • Ex- Myxobolus.


  • Endoparasites of Arthropods and Vertebrates.

  • Spores are of unicellular origin.

  • Small spores with univalved membrane.

  • Ex- Nosema


  • Cilia are the locomotory organelles.

  • Posses 2 nuclei i.e., one meganucleus (vegetative nucleus) and another micronucleus (reproductive nucleus).

  • Nutrition is heterotrophic.

  • Asexual reproduction is by binary fission or budding.

  • Sexual reproduction is by conjugation, autogamy or by cytogamy. 

    Sub-phylum Ciliophora has only one class i.e., Ciliata.


  • Cilia are present throughout the life.

  • Nuclear dimorphism is marked.

  • Anal aperature (cytopyge) is permanent.

  • Ex- Paramecium

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