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    Gr., koilos=cavity; enteron=intestine

  • Most of them are marine, but a few fresh water form also exist.

  • They may be solitary or colonial and sessile or free-living.

  • Diploblastic animals, having outer epidermis, inner gastrodermis and between these two layers mesoglia is found.

  • Body is radially symmetrical.

  • Body wall encloses a central cavity known as gastrovascular cavity or coelenteron. Food is digested in this cavity.

  • Cell-tissue grade of body organization is found.

  • Coelom is absent.

  • Locomotion takes place by smooth muscles fibers of the epithellium.

  • Head is absent.

  • Body wall contains undifferentiated interstitial cells and stinging cells i.e., nematocyst.

  • Nematocyst functions as offensive, defensive, food capturing and adhesive organ.

  • Mouth (Hypostome) is present at the raised portion and is surrounded by numerous tentacles, which acts as defensive and food capturing organ.

  • Polymorphism is widely marked.

  • Alternation of generation is usually present.

  • Respiration takes place by normal body surface.

  • Digestive system is incomplete type. Both .extracellular and intracellular digestion occur.

  • Excretory system is absent.

  • Circulatory system is absent.​

  • Nervous system is in the form of a network of unpolarised nerve cells on the body wall.

  • Sense organ may include statocysts, light sensitive organ called ocelli or may be a functional eye spot.

  • Asexual reproduction occurs by budding and sexual reproduction occurs by the formation of sperm and ovum.

  • Development is indirect through larval form i.e., Planula or Stereogastrula.

  • Fertilization may be external or internal.

  • They may be monoecious or dioecious.




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