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​    Gr.,cyklos=circular, stoma=mouth

  • May be marine or fresh water in habitat.

  • Body is elongated and Eel like. Body is divisible into trunk and tail. Trunk and tail muscles are segmented into myotemes separated by myocomata.

  • Paired fins are absent. Median fins are supported by cartilagenous fin ray.

  • Skin is smooth, soft and slimy. Scales are absent.

  • Notochord is persistent through out the life. Vertebrae are represented by imperfect neural arches (arcualia) present surrounding the notochord.

  • Pharyngeal gill-slits are found in which about 6-15 paires of gills are present.









  • Mouth without jaws, so grouped under Agnatha. Mouth is ventral, suctorial and is circular. Mouth is surrounded by tentacles.

  • Digestive system lacks stomach. Esophagus directly opens into intestine.

  • Excretion takes place by 2 mesonephric kindneys.

  • Heart is 2 chambered with 1 auricle and 1 ventricle. Conus arteriosus is found anteriorly. Hepatic portal system is well-develped. Blood contains R.B.C, leucocytes and are poikilotherms.

  • Nervous system includes a brain and a dorsal nerve cord. 8-10 cranial nerves are present.

  • A median nasal chamber is found with a single nostril. Auditory organ is with 1-2 semicircular rings.

  • Reproduction is sexual. Fertilization is external.

  • Development direct or by prolonged larval stage.

  • Dioecious animals.  

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