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      Gr., echinos=hedgehog (it's an animal); derma=skin

  • They are exclusively marine, but a very few freshwater form also exist.

  • They may be free-living or sessile. A few are pelagic and some creeps at the bottom of the sea.

  • Adults possesses radial body symmetry, but the body of larval forms are bilaterally symmetrical.

  • Triploblastic animals i.e., body derived from 3 germ layer (ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm).

  • Body is unsegmented.

  • Organ-system grade of body organization.

  • Coelom is found and is modified to form ambulacral system.

  • Locomotion takes place by specialized tube feet.

  • Radial symmetry in adult is pentamerous type i.e, each and every organs are arranged in 5 or multiples of 5.

  • Head and brain are absent.

  • Water-vascular system is of coelomic origin.

  • Body is differentiated into oral and aboral surface. Oral surface has an ambulacral and inter-ambulacral region.

  • Blood is without respiratory pigments.

  • Mesodermal exoskeleton is used in the form of spine.

  • Respiration takes place by gills, papillae or cloacal respiratory trees or by tube feet.

  • Circulatory system is ill developed.

  • Incomplete digestive system is found in some forms.

  • Excretory system is absent.

  • Nervous system consists of a circum-oral ring and many radial nerves.

  • Poorly developed sense organ includes pigments eyes, statocysts and tactile tentacles.

  • Asexual or sexual reproduction occur. Asexual reproduction by transverse fission.

  • Development is indirect through various larval stages.

  • Fertilization is external.

  • Dioecious animals.

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