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     Greek hemi, means “half,” and Latin chorda, means “string,”

  • There are only about 90 known species.

  • They are exclusively marine and benthic.

  • Triploblastic animals i.e., body is derived from 3

       embryonic germ layers (ectoderm, mesoderm and

  • Body is bilaterally symmetrical.

  • They are the deuterostomes. Body is vermiform and is

       differentiated into Proboscis (=prososome), collar
       (=mesosome) and trunk (=metasome). Body wall is
       covered by a single layered epidermis.

  • Body segmentation is not seen in these animals.

  • Oragan-system grade of body oraganisation is seen.

  • Coelom is enterocoelous, divisible into proctocoel,

       mesocoel and metacoel.















  • Proboscis acts as locomotory and food capturing


  • Ciliated pharyngeal gill-slits are present

       (Respiratory organ).

  • Notochord is absent. Buccal diverticulum present in

       the proboscis was earlier considered as notochord.

  • In Enteropneusta, body wall comprises of both

       circular and longitudinal muscles ,but in
       Pterobranchia, only longitudinal muscles are
       present in the body wall.

  • Tornaria larva is the larval stage.

  • They are the suspension /filter feeder.

  • Digestive system is complete type, with a buccal

       diverticulum (stomochord) in the proboscis.

  • Excretion by single glomerulus situated in the


  • Circulatory system is open type.

  • Nerve cord is occasionally hollow, soft, mesodermal,

       and probably is homologous with chordates nerve

  • Sensory cell of the epidermis acts as sense organs.

  • Mostly sexual reproduction occurs, but asexual

       reproduction is also seen.

  • Generally, development is indirect, through Tornaria

       larval stage.

  • Fertilisation is exernal.

  • Mostly dioecious forms are found.

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