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  L., mollis=soft bodied

  • They are mostly marine, some are fresh water and a few are terrestrial in habitat.

  • They may be herbivorous, predators, free-living or nocturnal.

  • Triploblastic animals i.e., body derived from 3 germ layer (ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm).

  • Body is divisible into head, mantle, foot and visceral mass.

  • Body is unsegmented (except in class Monoplacophora).

  • Organ-system grade of body organization.

  • Coelom is deadly reduced and is confined to the pericardial, renal, gonodial, and mantle cavity.

  • A ventral muscular foot is present for the locomotion of the animal.

  • Shell if present serves as exoskeleton.


















  • Respiration takes place by general body surface, ctenidia or by pulmonary sac or lungs.

  • Digestive system is complete type. It is provided with a digestive gland called Hepatopancrease. Anus opens into pallial cavity.

  • Buccal cavity contains a rasping teeth like structure called radulla.

  • Excretion occurs by a paired metanephridia.

  • Circulatory system is open type. A heart is present dorsally. Respiratory pigment is haemocyanin (contains copper).

  • Nervous system consists of a paired cerbral ganglion, nerves and connectives.

  • Sense organ includes eyes, statocyst and an olfactory organ called Osphradium.

  • Reproduction is sexual. Development may be direct or indirect.

  • Fertilization may be external or internal.

  • Mostly dioecious and a few are monoecious.


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