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  • They may be aquatic or moist terrestrial habitat.

  • They may be free living or parasitic.

  • Triploblastic animals i.e., body derived from 3 germ layer (ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm).

  • Body is elongated, cylindrical, vermiform (worm like) and with or without division into regions but unsegmented.

  • Body is bilaterally symmetrical.

  • Body is unsegmented.

  • Organ-system grade of body organization.

  • A pseudocoelom (not lined by mesodermal epithellium) is present. 

  • Locomotion is basically wriggling or thrashing with the longitudinal muscles on one side contracting and another side expanding.

  • Body wall is externally covered by cuticle of scleroprotien and with a syncytial epidermis.

  • Cuticle is moulted through out the life.

  • Musculature of the body contains only the longitudinal muscles.

  • Cilia mostly absent.

  • Complete digestive system is present with definite mouth and anus. Anterior and posterior part of alimentary are termed as stomodaeum and proctodaeum respectively. Tract is non muscular.

  • Respiration occurs through general body surface.

  • Excretory system consists of a protonephridia. Some forms have gland cells or canals or both. 

  • Circulatory system is absent and if present, is poorly developed.

  • Nervous system includes a cerebral ganglion. Anterior and posterior nerve arises from it.

  • Sexual reproduction takes place.

  • Development is indirect. Fertilization is internal.

  • Most of them are dioecious.


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