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 L.,Porus=pore; fer=bearing


  • Mostly marine animals, but some fresh water forms also exist.

  • They are sessile, living attached to rocks, corals, and other hard surfaces.

  • Diploblastic animals. Mesoglea is present between ectoderm and endoderm.

  • Body is asymmetrical. But a few have radial body symmetry also e.g., leucosolenia.

  • Body is plant like and fixed to some type of substratum. Body surface is perforated by numerous pores, the ostia. Coelom absent. 

  • Cellular grade of body organization.
















  • Sponges exhibit canal system through which water and food passes inwards and waste products comes outwards. 

  • Respiration occurs directly i.e., through normal body surface.

  • Nervous system is absent.

  • Digestion is intracellular.

  • Asexual reproduction is by budding. Sexual reproduction takes place by discharge of egg and sperm in the paragastric cavity.

  • Fertilization is internal. Cross fertilization is the rule.

  • Hermaphrodite or Monoecious animals. 
















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